Friday, July 16, 2010

LUCID - First Trailer Live on Kickstarter!

The very first trailer for LUCID is online! Watch it on Kickstarter, where you can pre-order an advance copy on DVD and help support the film.

Lucid on Kickstarter

Please take a look at the INCENTIVES that we are offering, which include:

* An immediate digital download of our award-winning short film ICE CREAM ANTS, which features Marcus Ashley (from the band Little & Ashley), the incomparable Tom Noonan and cult icon, singer/songwriter Jill Tracy. This film has never been seen outside of festivals and is not available anywhere else. You can watch a trailer for ICE CREAM ANTS here:

Ice Cream Ants Trailer

*A limited number of original t-shirts that were actually props in the film, some of which are covered in stage blood and signed by lead actor James Moles!

*Tickets to a theatrical screening of LUCID (Either the cast and crew screening or a festival premiere).

* “Executive Producer” and “Associate Producer” credit in the film itself.